Saturday, August 19, 2006

Doesnt get any sweeter...

The weekend held some surprises for me. I told you earlier about three angel investor ladies who have agreed to put in some money into one particular product. I have a meeting with them on the morrow where they will put pen to paper on how much they are willing to invest. I am guaranteeing them a pretty decent returen at 10% per month, with full refund of capital at the end of our contract.

A development worth mention is the interest of yet another investor.The name will come later once the direction of the talks is established and the necessary papers signed. The deal on the table is a 50/ 50 scenario. The investor will pump in so much for a 50% stake in the company. If these talks go well, I may have to rethink the 3 lady investor deal, as tis one may be sufficient for the kind of growth and market impact that we need to make.

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